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Privacy-preserving native identity representation has always posed a challenge. The WATT Identity Proxy is a non-transferable token balance that can be queried as a representation of a wallet's Proof-of-Creativity: tying the essence of creative energy to a universally queryable endpoint.

Decoding the WATT Identity Proxy

Conceptual Foundations

The WATT draws its inspiration from the real-world dynamics of creativity. Just as energy is both omnipresent and unique in its manifestations, the WATT stands as a distinct representation of a creator's individual and cumulative contributions throughout the Internet.

Universally Queryable

Being universally queryable implies that any network or system interfacing with the Newcoin architecture can access and recognize the WATT's value. This design ensures that an individual's creative contributions are acknowledged, regardless of where the querying occurs—be it crypto networks, neural systems, or other digital platforms.

Account-Bound: Securing Individuality

While many tokens in the decentralized realm can move freely between accounts, the WATT remains tethered to an individual's account. This account-bound nature ensures that the representation of creativity stays intrinsically linked to the creator, eliminating the potential for transfer, theft, or impersonation. It's not just a token—it's a digital signature of creative prowess.

Fungibility & Creative Energy

Fluid yet Distinct

The WATT's fungible nature ensures that it retains a standardized value across the Newcoin ecosystem. This means that every WATT token, while representing unique creative energies, holds a consistent value, allowing for seamless integration and interaction across platforms and systems.

Dynamic Evaluation

The value and weight of a WATT token aren't static. Drawing from an ever-evolving stream of creative outputs and interactions within the Newcoin network, the WATT's value undergoes dynamic recalibration. It's a living testament to a creator's journey.

Integration Points & Use Cases

Machine Learning & Data Pipelines

With the WATT serving as a universally recognized representation of creativity, machine learning pipelines can tap into this metric, training models that prioritize and value creative contributions.

Smart Contract Interactions

Smart contracts interfacing with the Newcoin ecosystem can utilize the WATT as a measure of value, facilitating transactions, rewards, or any form of recognition tied to a user's creative contributions.

UI/UX Design Considerations

For platforms and applications aiming to visualize or highlight the creative energies of their user base, the WATT provides a standardized metric that can be integrated into UI/UX designs, offering users insights into their creative journeys.


The WATT Identity Proxy isn't just another token in the vast decentralized expanse—it's a beacon of creative recognition, intricately tying the essence of an individual's creative endeavors to a universally acknowledged metric. As Newcoin continues its journey, the WATT stands as a testament to its commitment to championing creators and their invaluable contributions to the digital realm.