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Step 3: Ensuring Secure and Efficient Contract Operation

This step will focus on ensuring that the contract is securely configured and provides the necessary functionality for efficient operation. This includes ensuring only the contract owner can modify critical parameters and allowing the owner to withdraw LINK tokens from the contract.

A. Owner-Only Configurations

Ensure that critical parameters like the Oracle address, job ID, and fee can only be modified by the contract owner.

// Update oracle address
function setOracleAddress(address _oracleAddress) public onlyOwner {
oracleAddress = _oracleAddress;

// Update jobId
function setJobId(string memory _jobId) public onlyOwner {
jobId = bytes32(bytes(_jobId));

// Update fees
function setFeeInJuels(uint256 _feeInJuels) public onlyOwner {
fee = _feeInJuels;
function setFeeInHundredthsOfLink(uint256 _feeInHundredthsOfLink) public onlyOwner {
setFeeInJuels((_feeInHundredthsOfLink * LINK_DIVISIBILITY) / 100);

The onlyOwner modifier ensures that only the contract owner can modify these parameters, ensuring secure operation and preventing unauthorized manipulation.

Provide functionality for the contract owner to withdraw LINK tokens from the contract.

function withdrawLink() public onlyOwner {
LinkTokenInterface link = LinkTokenInterface(chainlinkTokenAddress());
link.transfer(msg.sender, link.balanceOf(address(this))),
"Unable to transfer"

This function allows the contract owner to retrieve LINK tokens from the contract, providing flexibility and control over the contract's funds.

Conclusion of Step 3:

In this step:

  • We've implemented functions that allow the contract owner to modify critical parameters safely, ensuring that the contract interacts correctly with the Chainlink network.
  • We've provided a mechanism for the contract owner to withdraw LINK tokens from the contract, ensuring that the owner has control and access to the contract’s funds.